Listen up, people. Tiger Woods apologizing to the public for infidelity is NOT news. In fact, I find the attention the media has given his family's very personal crisis to be disgraceful and voyeuristic. I interact with people from all walks of life on a daily basis and from a completely unscientific standpoint can attest to the fact that the average person doesn't feel the need to know who Tiger is having sex with or why. In fact, I think most people could care less about Tiger. Instead, their sympathies lie with his wife who has been forced to live out this very private, painful situation in the media.
For those who are insulted by his refusal to answer questions when he "apologizes to the public", get over it. He doesn't owe anyone but his family an apology. It's not my business, it's not your business, and it's not the media's business who, what, where, when, or why this happened. It's a personal matter between a husband and wife. Given the opportunity, the media would no doubt ask specifics that are no-one's business in an effort to get an outrageous sound bite. Did we ever need to know about Monica Lewinsky's affinity for cigars? I think not.
For those that have chosen to 'boycott' the so-called announcement, how ridiculous is that? Talk about cutting off your own nose to spite your face? For those that make their living on the coat-tails of the famous, who exactly are you hurting by refusing to attend? If you think you are making some grand statement about your integrity, think again. I don't mean to insult anyone. I just want our media to rethink the importance they place on 'non-issues' such as this. Stop jamming it down the viewers' throats with endless, repetitive coverage.
Seeing random psychologists talking about "the kind of father we want Tiger to be" and how he must actively participate in his therapy to heal is just plain stupid. Does Tiger care what kind of mother I am? Of course not. Does he care how well you do your job? Don't be ridiculous. Do I feel for his wife? I sure do. Do I care what Tiger does or doesn't do? Not even a little bit. Just because the world knows someone's name doesn't give us the right to pry in their personal (pardon the pun) affairs. I've got one word for you: NUNYA. It's 'nunya' business.
For those that feel the day he has chosen to make the announcement is a slap in the face to the players and sponsors of the current golf tournament, get real. I understand that golf is important to those that make their livings playing golf, for the sponsors of the tournaments, for the advertisers, and for the staff involved with the actual tournaments, but in the real world, there are so many issues that really are NEWS.
Like the devastation in Haiti, or the millions of Americans that are out of work, under-employed, uninsured, or have lost their homes. How about the fact that the government bailout went to big banks who continue to payout huge bonuses while our senior citizens and the dying cannot get a caregiver to be with them when they need it most because Medicare doesn't cover custodial care?
How about corporate big-wigs that freeze cost-of-living raises for poorly paid workers, using the bad economy as an excuse while at the same time gloating about record profits for the company and enjoying lavish vacations? They do this while their workers seek oil and food assistance and stuggle to pay their mortgages. What about the struggles our returning soldiers are facing emotionally, physically, and financially? How about the fact that soldiers are dying in wars around the world at the hands of terrorists? Or the mother of three who is being treated for cancer and is being hounded by bill collectors because she can't work?
What about the ever-increasing cost of college? In an effort to get an education that would allow them to support themselves as adults most students walk out of school with a $30,000-$100,000 piece of paper with no job offers on the table. This is NEWS, people. These are real issues. These are
real people with
real struggles in the
real world. The fact that Tiger can't keep it in his pants is not news. Instead of sensationalizing his wife's very personal pain, how about we start bringing attention to the real issues? If I see any more coverage about an athlete that has "betrayed" their fans, I think I will throw up. Move on. Please.
The media is made up of professional journalists and those that make their living off of the pain and humiliation of public figures just because they can. I personally don't confuse the two. Sensationalism is not news. The paparazzi are not journalists. Their motivation is not to educate the public or to cover important issues. Their motivation is greed. Journalists cover the news. Let's get back to covering the news. Please?