Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time is Fleeting. Spend it Wisely

Doesn’t life just seem to race by? We all know the expression, “take time to smell the roses”. My guess is that most of us never really do, which is sad. As I get older and I watch my kids grow up, I find myself wanting to spend more time enjoying life.

I find myself longing for time. There’s just never enough time; time to read a good book or take a walk in the park… time to catch tadpoles or search for salamanders under rocks…time to sit on the beach and listen to the waves lapping at the shore and seagulls squawking overhead.

Before we know it, our kids are grown and off to college. We turn around again and they are married with kids of their own. It seems the older we get, the faster time flies. …Which makes me realize just how precious our time really is.

Kids have a tendency to grow up before our eyes. Our parents and grandparents become gray and frail. Our time is consumed by work and errands, bills and worries. But the fact is we all have 24 hours in a day. It’s up to us how we choose to spend those hours.

So my suggestion is this. Step back and take a look at your schedule. Are you spending your precious time doing what you love with the people you love? My mom used to say, I don’t want my tombstone to say ‘she kept a clean house’. Life is short. Live it. Enjoy it. Spend time with the ones you love. She was a wise woman. She died young, but she spent her days with the people that mattered.

If you find that your time is consumed by things that don’t bring you joy or satisfaction, make a conscious effort to replace those activities with ones that do. Spend time with your kids at the beach or the park. Spend an afternoon in the hammock with your spouse watching the clouds float by. Stop by your grandmother’s house for a visit and a cup of tea.

Someday, you’ll be glad you did. I promise you, the dust-bunnies will reappear. The dirty dishes will multiply in the sink. The bathrooms will always need cleaning and the laundry will always be waiting for you. But time won’t wait. It will keep on marching by, thumbing its nose at you as it passes by, but only if you let it.

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”
~Carl Sandburg

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Surviving Our Nation's Economic Crisis

Times are tough. The economy is in a shambles. Job security is iffy. Costs are going up but salaries are not keeping pace. According to MSN Money, about 43% of Americans currently spend more than they earn each year. According to Kim Khan, author of “The Basics, How Does Your Debt Compare?” the average household carries approximately $8000.00 in credit card debt.

Our nation is currently operating within an expansionary fiscal policy in an effort to address the current recession. The Federal Reserve has enacted monetary policies to try and correct the nation’s economic hemorrhaging, but is it too little, too late?

If your family is like many, you are feeling the effects of the bad economy. Whether it’s a job loss, high consumer credit debt, or just increased costs overall, just about every family is under financial pressure. So what can we do to survive in these difficult financial times?

While it’s hard to separate the emotion from the logic, it’s important to step back and take a clear, objective look at your finances. If you don’t already have one, take the time to sit down and create a family budget. The experts suggest that you start by tracking three months of actual expenses to get an accurate picture of what you are really spending each month.

A great source of information is the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Services (AICCCA). Call 211 from your local calling area to locate the local CCCS office. Members of this organization have a variety of free budgeting tools, worksheets, and online calculators for anyone interested. These are great tools for working out a budget or finding out the most efficient way to pay down consumer debt. Budgeting is critical to your family’s financial health. By taking the time to sit down and document your income and expenses you can see where you can cut back.

If you are facing bankruptcy, or job loss and are struggling to pay your bills, falling behind, are unable to pay your rent or mortgage, CCCS counselors can offer free assistance. Counselors are available 24/7 and will help assess your personal situation to help you get out of debt or they will work with your creditors to help get more favorable terms. Don't just assume nothing can be done. This nationwide non-profit organization is available to help.

Some budget-cutting suggestions: Order take-out once a month instead of every Friday….or go to a free concert on the green instead of a night at the movies. There are lots of ways to save without living like paupers. Taking advantage of your local library is a great way to expose your kids to cultural and educational activities as well as a great way to save money! Did you know that you can take movies out at your local library? Why pay to rent? Or that most libraries offer free or discounted admission passes to local museums and tourist attractions?

By being mindful of our actions, we teach our children to conserve resources (e.g.: turning off lights and televisions when not in the room) and we save money at the same time. Using a little creativity to find free or low-cost activities helps your family’s bottom line while taking advantage of the many wonderful activities that are often overlooked right in our own communities.

World Peace and the Survival of the Human Race

Humans are strange creatures. Theories abound about the origin of life and our place among all living creatures. The world’s greatest organized religions teach their followers the story of creationism. Scientists believe in the theory of evolution. Unlike animals, we humans consider ourselves to be spiritual and enlightened. And yet, collectively we have little regard for the planet on which we live.

This, of course presents an enormous problem. As our very survival depends on the planet’s ability to sustain life, it is imperative that we be accountable to the earth and all of mankind for our impact on the planet. The problems facing our planet are vast. With wanton disregard we have poisoned our waters and air, depleted our natural resources, and decimated animal populations and natural habitats. We have damaged our biosphere and watched rain forests disappear.

Despite warnings of global warming and the implications associated with it, we continue to live in the moment, not thinking about tomorrow or what we must do to save our planet; and hence ourselves. Scientists and activists plead with us to heed their warnings, but few are listening.
So what can be done to address these global issues that threaten our very survival? Can we come together as one species to save ourselves and the world we live in? If we could step back in time and trace our roots to our very beginning, perhaps we would see how closely related we all are.

People from all walks of life, from every race, culture, and creed are connected. We are all made of flesh and bones, and our blood is red. And if every person from every corner of the world could realize and accept that connection, we could create a modern mythological narrative that could save us and the planet on which we live.

“Patriotism is a lively sense of collective responsibility (Aldington, Richard)”. As one collective species, humankind must accept the fact that we need each other, we need to maintain planetary sustainability, and in spite of our differences, we all have a collective responsibility to one another.

‘Community’ is defined by Webster dictionary as “a unified body of individuals, the people with common interests living in a particular area, an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location, a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society…..”

‘Responsibility’ is defined as “the quality of state of being responsible, moral, legal, or mental accountability…” And one of the key definitions of ‘Morality’ is “conforming to ideals of right human conduct”.

When considering possible mythologies that could be accepted by all cultures around the world, it should not be difficult to imagine that everyone could embrace these ideals; patriotism and a sense of responsibility to fellow man and the planet on which we depend for our very survival; community: an understanding that we are all part of the world community and are interdependent on one another and connected by our ‘humanness’ genetically and spiritually; responsibility to one another and responsibility for our own behavior and the impact we have on each other and the planet.

In order to create a mythology that will sustain us, we must understand that humans need other humans. We must accept the fact that we are all connected no matter our race, culture, or religion. We must accept the fact that everyone has a moral responsibility to each other with regard to treating all plants, animals, and humans with respect and consideration. Should we choose to think only about the here and now, disregarding our impact on the future, we will effectively bring about our own demise.

Those that feel that it’s ok to buy products that were created with slave labor in sweat shops, or to support illegal poaching by purchasing animal products such as ivory, or even those that make a conscious decision not to conserve energy and natural resources on a personal level must all understand that their behavior impacts everyone. Responsibility starts with the individual. By choosing not to do one’s part, that person is just as guilty as the poacher that kills an elephant for its tusks.

Human survival will ultimately depend on a species-wide unification. We may not understand the importance of this until it’s too late. The polarization among religions and cultures sometimes becomes so overwhelming, people lose site of the fact that ultimately, we are all one, and we all depend on the same things for survival; food, water, air, human interaction and for many, spirituality and religious faith.

Of course, we cannot walk through life with a constant thought of doom and gloom. Part of human resilience is our ability to have hope. Even in the most difficult situations, humans’ will to survive and spirit of never-ending hope prevails. This point was clearly demonstrated in the story of Anne Frank. As many of us know, Anne Frank and her family had little to hope for, and yet their will to survive was strong, their faith was unquestionable, and their hope never died.

This, I believe will be the saving grace for humanity. It is this innate sense of hope and a desire to live that will help the human species survive. Our common mythology must include unification; not on every level, but on the most basic level, that we are all one species and we need each other. Our will to survive will help us to overcome our differences and bring about a sense of community and moral obligation to each other and the planet on which we live.

We know that we are capable of putting aside our differences and coming together as human beings, as demonstrated after September 11th, the Tsunami that killed thousands in Thailand, and Hurricane Katrina. What we saw after these catastrophic events was that human beings around the world immediately responded as one. The horrors of these events were felt world-wide and the support was over-whelming.

The ‘circling of the wagons’ is an instinctively human response. During these times people who may not even like each other pull together as one. And while it often takes a crisis, the threat of a crisis, or a catastrophe such as the examples above, we know it can be done. The next step is to make the world understand the importance of being proactive. We must work together to make sure we don’t face a catastrophic failure of our planet and annihilate ourselves and every living thing.

Worldwide adoption of the idea that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves is the answer to the global crises that we currently face. Ultimately, the human narrative does not involve material wealth. It does not involve one solitary religion or belief system. It does not involve one specific culture. Nor does it include any one race within the human species. Once people accept the fact that we all play a part, however insignificant in the well-being and survival of all world species as well as the planet itself, the option of a happy ending, so to speak will become a reality. Egos, stubbornness, and closed cultures must be put aside for the good of all. This is the mythology we must all come to accept to survive and live in peace.

Celebrity Promiscuity and the Media

Every day we are bombarded by headlines in the newspaper, magazines, on television news, on the internet, and the radio. Pop and Rap music sing the praises of sex and promiscuity. Models, actors, and actresses show more skin and less clothing as time goes on. Music videos are full of ‘dirty dancing’ and blatant sexual images and innuendo. The images that we see on a daily basis are sexually charged and overwhelmingly hard to ignore.

It is this constant proliferation of sex and sexual images that has led to a desensitizing of many Americans. The constant exposure to sexual images and details of private sexual celebrity escapades has led many to simply accept this overt sexual atmosphere by which we find ourselves surrounded. But we should not have to simply accept it.

American society has changed greatly over time. Over the years, we have seen an ebb and flow of sexuality and sexual images in open society. In the early 1900’s, men and women lived very different lives from one another. Women were expected to dress and behave ‘appropriately’ for the times, which meant long sleeves, high necks, and long skirts. Skin was not to be seen. Men were known to openly frequent brothels. This double standard was widely accepted.

The roaring ‘20’s brought the jazz age, sexy women, short, short dresses, and the introduction of sexual tension into the psyche of the American conscience. This behavior receded with the Great Depression in the ‘30’s and 40’s, with the insurgence of conservative behavior, once again. Parents held their children closer and family values were back in vogue.

The ‘50’s brought us Elvis and his ‘scandalous’ hip-shaking, which shocked America’s once again, prudish sensibilities. Censors refused to film him from the waist down to ‘protect’ viewers from what they might see. Until this point in time, Americans tended to keep sexuality behind closed doors (thankfully). It wasn’t until the ‘60’s that America began to experience what many conservative Christians would call a ‘moral decline’.

The ‘60’s were a time of free love and open sexuality, multiple sex partners, drugs, and a denouncing of previously accepted marriage and family values. I believe that this was the turning point for our country’s desensitizing to ‘all things sexual’. While we still have groups of citizens who subscribe whole-heartedly to conservative views today, many more openly accept and even welcome the media’s portrayal of sex and sexuality.

And yet, the images we see in the media generally do not represent ‘real’ sexuality for most people. Instead, it glamorizes sex and brings it to the forefront of all things. Reality in life for most people is not about sex; how to get it, where to get it, or how often to get it. Average Americans are too busy trying to raise their families and make a living to be obsessing about sex and sexuality all the time. If we were to believe the media’s portrayal of reality, we would have time for little else. According to an informal survey among friends and co-workers, sex ranks low on the list of priorities for most.

So why are we constantly surrounded by sexual images and stories in the media? What is it about this topic that Hollywood finds so appealing that in 2008, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s unwed 17-year-old daughter not only makes headlines, but receives congratulations from celebrities and even some conservative Christians, who applaud her from a ‘pro-life standpoint’?
The glorifying of unwed celebrities making babies is, in my opinion, highly irresponsible. Indeed, I would argue that it’s harmful to our impressionable young people. The practice of publicizing and glorifying unwed pregnancies is so prolific, there is even a site dedicated to it. takes pleasure in passing on ‘the good news’ about this celebrity or that and their blessed event to be. Most are not married.

However, what this reinforces is the fact that these people, that children and teenagers look up to, do not feel it is necessary to make any commitment to each other before bringing a child into the world. And many of these celebrities don’t just stop at one child. They have three and four children, often with multiple partners. What happened to commitment to one another? The idea of providing a stable, loving home to one’s children seems to have fallen by the wayside. I find this to be shameful.

But I also take issue with those that use the excuse that ‘sex sells’ to justify this type of behavior. I, for one, do not ‘buy into sex’. Nor do I read or pay attention to stories that focus on the private sex lives of celebrities and politicians. I am ashamed for them and for the members of the media who feel it’s acceptable to bring these private matters into the homes of every American, whether we want it or not. And, I am ashamed of those who, whether they admit it or not, find these types of stories to be appealing. It saddens me to know that people would stoop so low as to not only pry into the private lives of others, but to use that private information for profit.

I am not a prude. However, I believe that children should not be brought into the world unless their parents have made a commitment to one another, to provide a loving and stable family to those children. Be denouncing marriage, they clearly demonstrate that the relationship is temporary, and that is not the environment any child should be subjected to, to satisfy the selfish purposes of the adults in question. The message we are sending to our children is that no commitment is necessary to make babies.

However, the real question of ethics arises, I believe, when we take a long, hard look at how this idea has come to be so widely accepted. I believe that Hollywood and the media are to blame for this constant exposure to the new ‘ideals’ of our society. By constantly publicizing and glamorizing uncommitted (unwed) pregnancies, they are in fact condoning; even encouraging it.

It is my firm belief that Hollywood and the media have the moral responsibility to change this. I believe that they have taken an incredible power; the power to influence others, and used it to spread moral decay around our country and the world. We have gone from a time where a fully-clothed kiss in the movies was considered risqué, to hot dog venders in thongs on the streets of Miami. Hollywood and the media have brought such a proliferation of sexual images into our consciousness, that half-naked girls on the street barely raise an eyebrow today.

Every day we hear about more public figures and celebrities who are intentionally making babies, addicted to online porn, announcing their sexual relationships to the world, or releasing their private ‘sex tapes’ and then pretending to be horrified when they end up on You Tube. But who is really buying into all this?

What do religious groups have to say about this shift in moral sensitivities? Conservative Christians have historically decried out-of-wedlock pregnancies. But, some of these same conservatives would argue that an out-of-wedlock pregnancy is better than abortion. Where do religious organizations stand with regard to this overwhelming message glamorizing sex, promiscuity, and unwed pregnancies in the media?

“The Catholic church teaches that situations where sex occurs outside of marriage ‘offend against the dignity of marriage; they destroy the very idea of the family; they weaken the sense of fidelity. They are contrary to the moral law” (internet reference #1). If this is true, how can it be that many Christians have praised Sarah Palin and her daughter, Bristol (or remained silent) when it was publicly announced that she is pregnant and unmarried, at the age of 17?, a site dedicated to understanding and accepting people of all faiths, acknowledges there are many interpretations among different denominations. With regard to Christianity they demonstrate the differences when trying to define the term:

“There are also many distinct definitions of the term "Christian". Four examples are:
Most liberal Christian denominations, secularists, public opinion pollsters, and this web site define "Christian" very broadly as any person or group who sincerely believes themselves to be Christian. Thus, Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Protestants, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox believers, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, United Church members, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc. are all considered Christian. Using this definition, Christians total about 75% of the North American adult population.
However, many Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Protestants define "Christian" more narrowly to include only those persons who have been "born again" regardless of their denomination. About 35% of the North American adult population identify themselves in this way.

Some Protestant Christian denominations, para-church groups, and individuals have assembled their own lists of cardinal Christian doctrines. Many would regard anyone who denies even one of their cardinal doctrines to be a non-Christian. Unfortunately, there is a wide diversity of belief concerning which historical Christian beliefs are cardinal.

Other denominations regard their own members to be the only true Christians in the world. Some are quite small, numbering only a few thousand followers.
Different definitions on such a fundamental topic makes dialog and debate among Christian groups very difficult. It also makes estimating the number of Christians in the U.S. quite impossible. By some definitions, 75% of Americans are Christians; by other definitions, it is a small fraction of 1%” (internet reference #2).

This in-fighting among those that claim to be Christians is a clear demonstration of why there has been little outcry regarding the issue of unwed pregnancy glorification by the media. When large segments of the population cannot agree on the interpretations of what is arguably the same material, it is impossible to come to a unified consensus on external issues facing our society.

Jacob Weisberg a contributor at Newsweek, was quoted as telling David Schuster of MSNBC, “I was shocked to see her unmarried (Palin’s) pregnant teenage daughter on stage with the Republican nominee. It seemed to me that Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he saw the Republicans embracing unwed motherhood this way. And I think, really, the issue there is about the pro-life absolutism that has come to dominate the party” (internet reference #3).

But where was the public outcry? Where were the church leaders denouncing the
fact that the media was glorifying premarital sex and unwed pregnancy? The silence was
deafening. For those of us who have had enough, all we can do is turn off the television
to stop the flood of endless stories about sex, and the glorification of making babies
without the security of a stable, loving, committed relationship between two adults.

This leaves us to examine how other religious organizations view this mostly American phenomenon. According to, with regard to premarital sex the Jewish faith teaches “sex and other acts that may lead to sex are only allowed within the context of a marriage. Sex is not only a means of physical gratification, but an important act that ‘requires commitment and responsibility’ (internet reference # 1). Commitment and responsibility are clearly not part of the message Hollywood and the media are spreading.

Islamics have similar beliefs with regard to premarital sex. “According to the Qur’an, ‘the believers are…those who protect their sexual organs except from their spouses...” (internet reference #1). They add “Muslim scholars say this statement ‘makes it very clear that any sexual gratification outside of marriage is considered a transgression of the law of God” (internet reference #1).

One religious organization that is outspoken, specifically with regard to unwed pregnancy, is the Church of Latter Day Saints. “Mormons believe that sexual relations are permitted only with one’s spouse of legal marriage….the most common sexual sins our young people commit are necking and petting. Not only do these improper relations often lead to fornication, [unwed] pregnancy, and abortions—all ugly sing—but in and of themselves they are pernicious evils, and it is often difficult for youth to distinguish where one ends and another begins” (internet reference #1).

Very few religious organizations accept or condone blatant promiscuous sexual behavior, particularly outside of marriage or a committed relationship, and none openly support unwed pregnancies. One religion that does not view premarital sex as immoral is Buddhism. According to, “Buddhists believe that sex before marriage is not immoral if there is love and consent between the two parties involved” (internet reference #1).

Strangely enough, if the figures are correct as to the segment of the population that identifies themselves as Christian, assuming they believe the teachings of the church; why has there been no public outcry? Add to this figure those of the Jewish faith, Islamic faith, and all the others that view premarital sex (and therefore, any resulting pregnancy) as wrong, who is left? And by virtue of the behavior, if premarital sex is considered to be immoral, unwed pregnancy cannot be acceptable either. Again, assuming the figures are correct, who exactly is ‘buying into’ all this sex in the media? Who is this market to which Hollywood and the media are marketing?

Which brings us back to moral responsibility; if the majority of the population is of the belief that premarital sex is wrong, and therefore unwed pregnancy is not something for which we should strive, who is responsible for changing the message that is being spread by Hollywood and the media? My conclusion is that the people who have a moral obligation to society to put an end to the spread of this message are none other than Hollywood and the media themselves. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with them, as it is clear that the general population does not want to hear their message. And so, I rest my case.

Works Cited

Internet Reference #1,, “Religions on Premarital Sex”

Internet Reference #2, , “Who is a Christian?”

Internet Reference #3, , “Slate's Weisberg to MSNBC on Palin Pregnancy: Reagan Would Be Rolling Over in His Grave” by Kerry Picket

Suffer the Little Children; The Horrors of Child Marriage

The practice of older males marrying young girls is surprisingly common in many cultures around the world. Even more surprising is that the practice is still occurring here in the United States today. While most westerners find the idea of an adult male marrying and having sex with a child to be taboo, there are many who not only find the practice to be acceptable, but desirable.

Some cultures arrange marriages for their female children even before they are born. According to UNICEF “In developing countries, more than 60 million women aged 20-24 were married/in union before the age of 18. Over thirty-one million of them live in South Asia (UNICEF estimates based on MICS, DHS, and other national surveys, 1987-2006)” (Internet Reference #1).

UNICEF also notes that “Girls living in the poorest 20 per cent of households are more likely to get married at an early age than those living in the wealthiest 20 per cent” (Internet Reference #1). A direct relationship has also been noted between child marriage and lack of education. According to the article, “In Zimbabwe, 48 percent of women who had attended primary school had been married by the age of 18, compared to 87 per cent of those who had not attended school (UNICEF estimated based on DHS 1999)” (Internet Reference #1).

Another important fact worth noting is the fact that these marriages are forced on girls, and not boys. There are many reasons that parents marry off their children as well. UNICEF says that “parents choose to marry off their daughters early for a number of reasons. Poor families may regard a young girl as an economic burden and her marriage as a necessary survival strategy for her family”(Internet Reference #1).

The article continues to say that they may also feel that doing so “offers the care of a male guardian. Child marriage may also be seen as a strategy to avoid girls becoming pregnant outside marriage” (Internet Reference #1). But no matter what the reasons for these marriages which are arranged between grown men and young girls, the detrimental effects of forced marriages on children are many.

UNICEF points out that once the girls have been married, they are much less likely to attend school, will often face increased health risks such as premature pregnancies, sexually-transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and death during or related to childbirth. These girls are often the victims of abuse at the hands of their much older husbands or their families if they resist or refuse to marry. They may even be killed for refusing to cooperate.

In an interview with Congresswoman Betty McCollum, spoke about proposals to end child marriage. According to McCollum “It’s mostly a problem in the sub-Saharan region. We find it a problem to be in parts of the Middle East, especially the very rural, very remote parts of the Middle East. And Asia and Africa also—the southern part of Africa—also experiences child marriage” (Internet Reference #2).

These regions generally consist of Muslim communities, where the practice of forcing girls to become child-brides is wide-spread. As mentioned earlier, we see that girls from isolated, rural areas, where education is generally unavailable are much more likely to be forced into marriages at a very young age.

McCollum points out that “It’s a human-rights concern on the face of young girls, children, being forced into having sex. I mean that’s a human-rights issue. It’s forcible rape. It’s an issue for the young girls for their health” (Internet Reference #2).

She goes on to say “Women will tell you that rape is a violent act. Can you imagine being a young girl, ten, eleven, twelve, being forcibly raped? That puts that young person at great risk for a whole host of health problems, both physical and mental” (Internet Reference #2).

Children having babies are at much higher risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. There are higher risks of health problems for the baby as well as increased risk of infant and maternal death. McCollum goes on to stress just how widespread the practice is, and the dangers associated with it. “I think most people who are really involved in this issue…meet any of these young women who are suffering from fistula due to prolonged childbirth at a young age, girls not in school, seeing a ten-year-old being wed to somebody who’s in their forties, fifties, or sixties—I mean, that tears at the heart of most people” (Internet Reference #2).

The United Nations is working to put an end to this practice around the world in cooperation with leaders of various nations and cultures. The interviewer mentions a situation not long before the interview, “And not long ago in Niger, we had an effort from tribal leaders to push for tight limits on marriage age and trying to reduce child marriage, but they ran up against religious leaders, Muslim clerics, who didn’t want those changes” (Internet Reference #2). The idea that religious leaders would fight efforts to treat young girls humanely in the name of religious beliefs is a horrifying concept.

But as I mentioned earlier, this practice occurs not just in the Muslim religion in less-developed countries, but right here in the United States. McCollum is quick to respond “I think we need to be careful when we talk about religious practices not to single out any one faith group…there are maybe some within the Muslim faith in very remote, very rural areas who haven’t seen how changing and delaying marriage will make the girl healthier…This is not just a challenge for the Muslim faith. This is also a challenge for the Christian faith” (Internet Reference #2).

McCollum is referring in this interview to Christians of various faiths in countries other than the United States, but again, the problem exists here in America such as those in small pockets of polygamous Christian communities such as the one in Utah led by leader, Warren Jeffs who was arrested and charged with child rape.

In a CNN interview, one young woman who escaped from the sect, Sara Hammon describes the horrors of living in a community of multiple wives, child marriages, isolation, and oppression of young girls and women. “Sara Hammon saw some of her sisters pulled out of school to be married to men they didn’t know” (Internet Reference #3). The sect Hammon escaped from was part of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which broke away from the Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints, due to its disagreement over the right to have plural marriages. The Mormon Church does not condone the practice of polygamy.

What is clear to many is that the practice of polygamy leads to many abuses. Hammon “left behind 19 mothers, 74 siblings, and a father she says could never remember her name, even though he repeatedly molested her. And, she left behind a culture she says was oppressive for young women” (Internet Reference #3).

To most people the idea of having 19 mothers, 74 siblings, and a father who molests his children is disgusting and beyond dysfunctional, but because these children have known little else allows it to continue. What I find more frightening, though, is the fact that this type of generational dysfunction and abuse is allowed to continue, victimizing generation after generation of children right here on American soil in the name of religion.

“Probably the worst part of the whole theology, she said, is the treatment of women and teaching women that they are not equal to men” (Internet Reference #3). By raising children from the time they are young to believe this mantra, the religious leaders are able to brainwash their followers into obeying. Members of the community are told they will go to hell for disobedience. But the girls are not the only victims with regard to these teachings. The boys are also victimized.

Because the doctrine that is forced on the followers of these cult-like sects is designed to enforce the concept of polygamy and the marriage of adult males to many young girls, the boys in the community are pushed out. The boys are not allowed to have relationships with girls their age in their community, as the adult males are saving the girls for themselves. This is where the concept of ‘the lost boys’ comes in. The boys in these religious cults are shunned and left to fend for themselves.

“There was a tremendous amount of abuse in our home. It happened on a daily basis and there [was] all kinds: sexual, physical, emotional, mental. My brothers were sexually abusive. Some of my mothers were physically abusive” (Internet Reference #3). As a victim abuse at the hands of a step-mother, I can understand Hammon’s desire to escape. Her decision to speak out on behalf of other victims speaks to her strength and should be admired, as many victims do not have the strength to escape, nor do they have the strength to share their story.

By speaking out, Hammon does service to former and current victims as well as educating the public about the atrocities that are continuing in the name of religion. For the sake of the children, these practices must be stopped. This is not a matter of religious freedom. The idea that adults would use children who have no knowledge of sexual activity, nor the physical maturity or desire for sex clearly demonstrates that these practices are in place simply for the gratification of the adult males involved.

If this were a natural course of events for human beings, children would reach sexual maturity at the age of 9 or 10, but the fact remains that they do not. Therefore, forcing children into sexual relationships while they are just children is wrong. This is not a cultural or religious issue. It is strictly a human-rights issue. In an effort to stop the suffering of these children for the sexual pleasure of adult males in the name of religion, every nation must speak out and do what they can to put an end to this despicable practice.

The people who oppose putting an end to the practice of child marriage are doing so in their own selfish interest, and are not thinking about the needs of the children. They do not care about the suffering that these girls experience as victims. As part of the human race, we all have an obligation to stand up and speak for the victims. For more information on how you can help, visit

Works Cited

Internet Reference #1 “Child Protection from violence, exploitation and abuse” marriage.html?q=printme

Internet Reference #2 “On The Line: Child Marriage” print

Internet Reference #3 “Growing up in Polygamy”

Recycling: It's Everyone's Responsibility

Have you ever seen that commercial where the dog takes a piece of foil to the sink to wash before placing it in the recycling? Tell the truth. Do you recycle your foil? Do you recycle at all? Do you think it’s too much trouble to recycle? Maybe you think it doesn’t really make a difference…

Well, I am really good about recycling. The town I live in has an awesome recycling program. They take glass, metal, mixed paper, phone books, cardboard, plastic, tires, used motor oil, and more! We have to drag it there, but at least we know it won’t end up in a landfill somewhere!

According to the Garbage Exhibit at the Annenberg Foundation, the average American disposes of approximately 1460 pounds of garbage per year! That’s 4 pounds a day on average! Per person! Of this, less than 25% is ever recycled! Surely we can do better than that! In my family of six, we rarely have more than one can of garbage per week. Even that could be reduced by being more disciplined (composting, for example).

But as good as I am about recycling, it occurred to me one day that there are still other ways I can conserve resources. Let’s take the foil, for instance. When I prepare something for dinner…let’s say a tray of breaded chicken but I am not cooking it right away, I still need to cover it. But if I cover it with plastic wrap, once it’s been used, it must be thrown in the garbage due to contamination.

Plastic, as we know is made from fossil fuels. We also know that plastic is not exactly bio-degradable. In fact, scientists estimate that it takes approximately 500 years for plastic to break down. America’s dependence on foreign oil is a big concern, and the fact that I am depleting the earth’s resources to cover a tray of chicken for a few hours before throwing it out really bothers me.

So here’s my solution: I place a piece of waxed paper (biodegradable) over the food and cover that with foil, which I save and reuse (over and over and over…). Foil is one of those endlessly useable items. So the next time you tear off a sheet of foil with the intention of throwing it in the garbage a short time later, stop and think how you can help to do your part in saving our resources. It’s just a tiny little change, but if everyone did it, just think of what an impact it would have! Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Do it for our kids’ sakes. Want to know more? Visit the EPA website and take a look at this eye-opening information:

Obama's Stimulus Plan Designed to Help Average American Families

As we are all aware, our nation is in the midst of a huge economic crisis. As the director of a non-profit agency serving the needs of the Elderly, Sick, Homeless, and Needy in Connecticut, I have seen first-hand enormous increases in requests for assistance.

In 2008 we found requests for services for the most basic needs such as food and diapers up substantially, and from a wider range of clients than ever before. We are hearing from more and more formerly middle class families who are losing their jobs and their homes in record numbers. Requests for rent, utility, mortgage, and food assistance pour in daily.

We have clients whose homes are falling down around them and there are no programs to help while bank executives fly around the country in corporate jets and dine on caviar. American families are declaring bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills while banks spend millions on Superbowl commercials and to put their names on new stadiums.

Our nation has not faced such widespread financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Congress saw fit to bail out Wall Street in an effort to 'save' our country's economy. What they failed to do, however, was take into account that millions of Americans are losing their jobs and their homes in record numbers. The banks cannot save our economy. Only the public can, by spending. Without money to spend, everything grinds to a halt.

People with Masters degrees are fighting for jobs at the local Walmart. The construction industry in this country has been decimated. Trucking companies have closed their doors while the oil industry announces record profits for the second year in a row. Jobs are non-existent for teenagers, filled instead with out of work adults.

American voters understand all this. American families are struggling to simply survive. This is why voters spoke loud and clear at election time. 90% of America is made up of average people, who are working just to survive. That same 90% of America is what really runs our nation’s economy. As the ‘real’ economy of the American family and small business withers and dies, Wall Street carries on as if it’s business as usual.

The reality is all of America needs a bailout. Through no fault of our own, thanks to corporate greed, America’s economy is in the toilet and our legislators have decided to turn President Obama’s proposed stimulus package into a partisan war. Despite the fact that America has spoken loud and clear during our recent election, not ONE Republican in the house voted for the stimulus package. Just three brave Republican Senators voted for the bill.

What this tells us is that they do not have the best interest of our country at heart. While there was little resistance in Congress to the bank bailout, the very idea that our new President hopes to help the rest of America is met with political stonewalling. This is absolutely disgraceful!

Our nation is suffering and our people need help. Our elected officials should be doing everything in their power to make this work. This bill has been created with the needs of our nation in mind. Some facts:

Among other things, this bill:
Creates or saves 3 million to 4 million jobs in the next two years. Our citizens NEED jobs.
Averts "literally hundreds of thousands of teacher layoffs"—and doubles funding for the Department of Education. Our children are our future.
Creates hundreds of thousands of green jobs and doubles our clean energy production. It is critical that we act now to reduce or eliminate our dependence on foreign oil.
Immediately gives unemployed folks access to affordable health care coverage. It is unfathomable that health care is not available to all Americans.

Unemployment is rising at an alarming rate in the United States. According to the average unemployment rate nationwide is expected to reach 7.5% soon. According to this same report, unemployment has risen in 98% of cities across the nation. These are staggering numbers and our legislators need to get their heads out of the clouds and do what’s right for our nation. Our citizens are suffering. It’s time our legislators from BOTH parties started to listen. The voters are watching. Do the right thing and VOTE YES for the stimulus package.

For more information on the Stimulus Package Visit: